Experienced interior designers in Shaftesbury
Contact details:
Garnham Wright Associates
The Cottage
Miles Common
Semley, Shaftesbury
Dorset, SP7 9JX
Tel: 01747 852 584
Fax: 01747 855 605
Email: mail@garnhamwright.co.uk
Who to contact:
Michael A Pope
BSc(Hons)Dip Arch UCL RIBA
Became a partner in 1980
Penelope H M Garnham Pope
BSc(Hons)Dip Arch UCL RIBA
Became a partner in 1980
Eugene Hanniffy
BArchSc(Trinity College) Dip Arch (Bolton St, Dublin)ARB

If you need assistance with interior architecture in Shaftesbury, call Garnham Wright Associates today onĀ